The Bread

The loaf Jesus used as the emblem of his body (Matt.26:26), was derived from the harvest of wheat (John 12:23,24). Jesus used this grain to illustrate many realities pertaining to those who would become heirs of the earth (Matt.13:36,37; 3:12). Jesus used the seed of this grain to depict the origin of this "crop" of Kingdom heirs, which was the Word of God (Luke 8:11). Jesus himself was the sower of this seed (Matt.13:37), which was life-giving words of Truth, from God himself (John 12:50; 14:10). Those who accepted the word of Truth and cultivated it within their own hearts (Luke 8:15; Mark 4:28), would bring their own crop to mature perfection (Heb.12:2,23) the full grown stature of the Christ (Eph.4:13). For those who bore a healthy harvest in return for the seeds that had been planted within them (Luke 8:15; Matt.25:20; 7:19; John 15:8), the identity of being a "Son of the Kingdom", would become theirs (Matt.13:38; Rom.8:17; John 1:12,13). These in turn, would use the crop of wheat seed they had brought to maturity, to give life and truth to yet other hearts (2Cor. 9:6; Ec.11:6,1; 2Tim. 4:2,5; Gal.6:9; Luke 8:8).
By the time Jesus gave up his life for the sins of many (Matt.26:28; John 15:13-14), he had brought the purpose of his own human existence to full maturity and perfection (John 18:37; 19:28,30; Phil.2:7,8,9). The seeds of Truth and Light that had been given him by the Father, became fully dispensed, fulfilled, and brought to mature perfection by Nisan 13, 33 C.E. (John 12:35,36; 17:1,4,26)
Therefore, matured seeds of grain are used to prepare this symbol of Jesus' body. This was a fitting representation of how he had completely fulfilled his earthly purpose, obediently bringing the word, will, and work of his Heavenly Father, to completion (John 4:34). Within Jesus' own life, those wheat seeds of truth were brought to complete ripeness, maturity, and perfection (Mark 4:28; John 17:4).
His obedience through all the tribulation he was about to endure, would finish his preparations for sacrifice (Heb.2:10; 5:8,9). At the moment he expired, his offering to God was perfectly depicted, in the unleavened bread Jesus presented to his brothers (John 6:35,51,58).

Jesus knew that in order to bestow his future joy and inheritance of the earth upon his brothers (Luke 22:29; Rom.8:17,29; Gal.3:29), these ones would also need to cultivate and bring to perfection, the very same harvest of Truth (Luke 8:8; Mark 4:29; Matt.10:32; Rev.14:4,5; John 15:16). They would need to become sharers with him, in the same course of faithfulness and sacrifice (1Pet. 2:21; Luke 22:28,31; John 12:24; Rom.6:5; Rev.6:9,11; Mark 8:35). For those who accomplish this, Jesus' sacrifice can righteously apply (Rev.19:7,8; 5:9-10; 22:14).
These become one with Christ in their rejection of the sinful flesh (1Cor. 9:27; Gal.5:16). These accept the persecutions of not belonging to this world (John 15:18,19; 16:33). These are taken into Christ's body (Eph.5:30; Rom.12:4,5; 1Cor. 12:12; 10:17; Gal.3:27)...becoming "one" with him as a man and his wife would become (Eph.5:28,32; 2Cor. 11:2; John 6:56; 17:21,23,26; 15:4,7,9; 14:18; 1Cor. 6:17). They accept Jesus as their Lord, Master, King, and Head (Eph.1:22,23; 5:23; Col.3:24). These are fed spiritually by means of Jesus (Eph.4:21; 5:29; John 16:7; 15:26; 1John 2:20,24,27), and his sinless body...the "Word" of Truth made manifest (John 1:14; 14:6). All these things are symbolized, in the loaf which he presented...the perfect representation of Christ himself...the True food that imparts life eternal (John 6:55; Matt.4:4).

1Cor. 11:24
The Wine
Just as Jesus often used wheat to describe the Truth in all it's manifestations, progression, and personifications (Matt.13:24); he also used the illustration of the vine of grapes (Matt.20:1).
Truth would be delivered by Jesus, to those drawn and called by the Father
(John 6:44,65; Rom.11:29; 1Cor. 1:26; Eph.1:18; 4:1,4; 2Tim. 1:9; Heb.3:1), until finally that Truth would become established in the earth (John 16:12,13; 1Cor. 13:10) by means of the completed Kingdom administration (Eph.1:9-10). This would be built up gradually
(Rev.21:14; Zech.4:9; 1Pet. 2:5; Eph.2:20-22; 4:11-12,13,15; 1:10).
Jesus described his heavenly Father YHVH as the "cultivator" of a vineyard (John 15:1). Jesus described himself as the true vine, and his anointed disciples as the branches of that vine (John 15:5 a). This illustration amply describes the dependent relationship the anointed must have with Christ alone...that of being fed exclusively and directly by him (John 15:4,6; Heb.12:25; 2:13,14). The vital, symbolic SAP that is channeled by means of The Vine Root-stock, Christ,
is Holy Spirit
(John 16:7,13; 14:16,17,26; Zech.4:2,3,12,6,14; Rom.11:17 NIV ) (1Cor. 6:17; John 15:4; 1John 2:28; Rom.11:18; Rev.22:16).
By means of this gift of spirit, through Christ; the anointed receive life, truth,
and the ability to produce much "fruit" (John 14:6; 15:5,8,16; Rev.22:2).

Jesus taught us that the grapes are what the anointed have sacrificed their power and will to obediently produce (John 6:27; 1Tim. 4:16). These are teachings fully based upon the original sayings of Jesus, the prophets, and the twelve (Matt.7:24; Eph.2:20); as well as further truth which Jesus directly gives at the proper time (John 16:12,13; 1John 2:27; Matt.24:44,45; Luke 12:35,36,37; Rev.3:20; Matt.10:27). The spiritual fruit the faithful anointed produce, are teachings of truth (Matt.12:33,37; 7:20; Luke 6:43,45; Isa.57:19; Prov.13:2; 18:20; Heb.13:15), as well as those who take in that spiritual food, and keep it.
All that the vine and branches have labored to produce, will be harvested, and is rightfully given to the Vineyard's Owner.
(Matt.21:41,43; Rev.22:2; Heb.13:15; Isa.43:10,21; 1Pet. 2:9).

The time arrives when the fruit of the vine comes to maturity. The "new wine" teachings which belong to the priests to produce (Mal.2:7), are vital for life (Deut.33:28,29; Prov.3:9,10; Isa.36:17; 62:8,9; Jer.31:10,11,12; Joel 2:19,24; Zec.9:17).
All of the fine fruit produced, has it's source in the vine, Christ (John 15:4,5). He is the one that fed all the branches, and the fruit. When all these come to maturity, a harvest ensues, and the final, desired product is created (1Cor. 13:9,10).

The wine which is "kept on the dregs" (aged and filtered) is to be enjoyed when the Cultivator decides to dispense it (Isa.25:6,9). This is the wine that has been kept in reserve (aged) and clarified (filtered) with the cloudy, worthless sediment removed. That is when the final results of the collective labor of Christ and his brothers, is enjoyed by them at the Marriage Feast (Matt.26:29). The wine served there has been prepared by the heavenly Father, for His Son (Matt.22:2). This "wine" is not "new" to the Father (Isa.46:9,10; 43:12; Matt.24:36). He has **held the final understanding back, as if "wine kept on the dregs"
**(Dan.12:4,9; Rev.10:4; 22:10,7,6; John 2:10; 16:13; Rev.19:9).
But the scriptures reveal that what may be foreknown by YHVH, seems as "new wine" to those who are later given it (Isa.41:26; Prov.4:18; Psalm 4:6; 36:9; Rev.5:1-4,5,7,9-10; 1:1; 22:6). The Son shares this clarified vintage, with his composite "Bride" at this Wedding Meal (Matt.25:10). Jesus receives this Wedding Meal first, from YHVH (Rev.5:7; Dan.7:13). He then shares it with his slaves (Rev.3:20; 1:1; 22:16,6; John 16:7; Mal.3:1; Luke 12:35,36,37). It is called a Wedding Feast, because it is timed according to the last virgins being sealed, and the completion of the Lamb's Bride
(Rev.19:7-9; 21:2-5,9-11,22-23; 22:17).
The wine we partake of at the Lord's Evening Meal is a symbol of promise...the promise that by means of Christ's blood, the remnant will partake of the wedding vintage of holy spirit (Rev.5:9,10; 11:3,4; 12:6; Matt.25:10). Our receiving that perfect wine, was made possible by the blood of the Covenant (Heb.8:6,8,10; Rom.9:26). Jesus surrendered his lifeblood that we might have a righteous standing, providing us an inheritance of Life and Truth (Rom.5:1,5,9,17; 9:23,26; 1Cor. 6:11,19,20; Heb.11:39,40; 12:22,23,24). When we partake of the symbol of his blood, we also agree to partake of the fruit of the vine of Truth, which is holy spirit and was the meaning of his lifeblood (John 6:53,55,56,57; 14:6). The wine symbolizes all at once...Jesus' ransom sacrifice (Matt.26:28), his teachings of Truth which also cleanses and saves us (Eph.5:26,27; Titus 3:4,5,6,7) and our acceptance to imitate his example (Rom.6:3,5; Rev.6:9,11; Luke 9:23; Rom.8:18)....To also be producing the fruit of Truth, even at the cost of our own blood being shed (Rev.6:9,11; 11:7; 17:6; 12:11).
Jesus compared his blood to wine. Jesus shed his blood to cover the sins of those who would become "branches". Holy Spirit could not flow to them otherwise. Jesus' blood was shed to justify the branches of the vine (1John 1:7)... to be accounted as cleansed vessels of Truth (2Tim. 2:21; Rom.9:23). It was also the Truth that cleansed them (Eph.5:25,26,27; John 13:8). They are cleansed by both, Truth and Jesus' blood. In this there is no difference between Truth, and Jesus' blood. Truth flowed from his heart into his whole soul. He was, the Word of Truth (John 14:6;17:17; 1:14).
Jesus shed his blood to seal his promises to his Bride (John 15:13,15,16; Eph.5:2,25,32; Rom.8:23). He gave his life for her, that he might one day bring her home to him (John 14:2,3,18,28; Mark 13:26,27). Together, they will restore the rest of Creation (Gen.22:18; Gal.3:28,29; Matt.17:11; Acts 3:20,21; Rev.22:1,2,17).
The Bride members depend upon the blood of Christ to cleanse them, qualifying them for their inheritance (Rev.5:9,10; 1Cor. 15:50,53,57; Heb.2:11; 9:22).
To remain eligible chaste virgins (2Cor. 11:2,3; Psalm 45:14; Matt.25:10; Eph.5:27), those chosen would need to remain in union with the true vine which feeds and intercedes for them, the Christ. Only through loyalty, endurance, and the sacrificing of their own lifeblood, can these inherit the joyful promises...To become the channel of the great reconciliation, the means by which YHVH and Jesus will restore peace and life, to all the earth
(2Cor. 5:20; Rom.8:20,19,21; 2Pet. 3:13; Rev.21:5).
As we partake of the bread and wine, we are reminded of our dependence upon Christ. He directs us in the way of life and truth. By accepting from him the greatest gift ever given, we become one with him, in his sufferings and in his glory. Once perfected, we share with him in his divine nature. Then the promises symbolized by the bread and wine, will be fulfilled (1Cor. 11:26). We will then share in the joy of our master (Matt.25:23)...that of raising the rest of Creation into reconciliation with God (John 14:12). We ourselves will become the Tent of God, the Covenant, the New Jerusalem above (which comes down from Heaven- Rev.21:2; John 1:51) we slave for God and Christ...bringing their healing love to every living thing on earth
(Rev.21:3; Heb.9:11,15; Rev.21:2; 22:3,4; Heb.1:6,14; 2:16).
Until that Glorious Day dawns, may we continue to keep close in heart our unity with the Ones who love us, and who have saved us from our sins.
Eph.2:4,5,6; Rev.1:5,6
What a wonderful, beautiful description of the Bread and the Wine and what they symbolize.
ReplyDeleteYour brother
I just sent you an email. I hope you will join us Thursday.
Well-written sister Pearl, this would be a great study for the memorial itself in part.
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It will be done via SKYPE. Participants have the option of only audio,
or audio and video.